--[[ Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 * (c) 2013, Luca CPZ * (c) 2010, Adrian C. --]] local helpers = require('lain.helpers') local shell = require('awful.util').shell local escape_f = require('awful.util').escape local focused = require('awful.screen').focused local naughty = require('naughty') local wibox = require('wibox') local os = os local string = string -- MPD infos -- lain.widget.mpd local function factory(args) args = args or {} local mpd = { widget = args.widget or wibox.widget.textbox() } local timeout = args.timeout or 2 local password = (args.password and #args.password > 0 and string.format('password %s\\n', args.password)) or '' local host = args.host or os.getenv('MPD_HOST') or '' local port = args.port or os.getenv('MPD_PORT') or '6600' local music_dir = args.music_dir or os.getenv('HOME') .. '/Music' local cover_pattern = args.cover_pattern or '*\\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$' local cover_size = args.cover_size or 100 local default_art = args.default_art local notify = args.notify or 'on' local followtag = args.followtag or false local settings = args.settings or function() end local mpdh = string.format('telnet://%s:%s', host, port) local echo = string.format('printf "%sstatus\\ncurrentsong\\nclose\\n"', password) local cmd = string.format('%s | curl --connect-timeout 1 -fsm 3 %s', echo, mpdh) mpd_notification_preset = { title = 'Now playing', timeout = 6 } helpers.set_map('current mpd track', nil) function mpd.update() helpers.async({ shell, '-c', cmd }, function(f) mpd_now = { random_mode = false, single_mode = false, repeat_mode = false, consume_mode = false, pls_pos = 'N/A', pls_len = 'N/A', state = 'N/A', file = 'N/A', name = 'N/A', artist = 'N/A', title = 'N/A', album = 'N/A', genre = 'N/A', track = 'N/A', date = 'N/A', time = 'N/A', elapsed = 'N/A', volume = 'N/A', } for line in string.gmatch(f, '[^\n]+') do for k, v in string.gmatch(line, '([%w]+):[%s](.*)$') do if k == 'state' then mpd_now.state = v elseif k == 'file' then mpd_now.file = v elseif k == 'Name' then mpd_now.name = escape_f(v) elseif k == 'Artist' then mpd_now.artist = escape_f(v) elseif k == 'Title' then mpd_now.title = escape_f(v) elseif k == 'Album' then mpd_now.album = escape_f(v) elseif k == 'Genre' then mpd_now.genre = escape_f(v) elseif k == 'Track' then mpd_now.track = escape_f(v) elseif k == 'Date' then mpd_now.date = escape_f(v) elseif k == 'Time' then mpd_now.time = v elseif k == 'elapsed' then mpd_now.elapsed = string.match(v, '%d+') elseif k == 'song' then mpd_now.pls_pos = v elseif k == 'playlistlength' then mpd_now.pls_len = v elseif k == 'repeat' then mpd_now.repeat_mode = v ~= '0' elseif k == 'single' then mpd_now.single_mode = v ~= '0' elseif k == 'random' then mpd_now.random_mode = v ~= '0' elseif k == 'consume' then mpd_now.consume_mode = v ~= '0' elseif k == 'volume' then mpd_now.volume = v end end end mpd_notification_preset.text = string.format('%s (%s) - %s\n%s', mpd_now.artist, mpd_now.album, mpd_now.date, mpd_now.title) widget = mpd.widget settings() if mpd_now.state == 'play' then if notify == 'on' and mpd_now.title ~= helpers.get_map('current mpd track') then helpers.set_map('current mpd track', mpd_now.title) if followtag then mpd_notification_preset.screen = focused() end local common = { preset = mpd_notification_preset, icon = default_art, icon_size = cover_size, replaces_id = mpd.id, } if not string.match(mpd_now.file, 'http.*://') then -- local file instead of http stream local path = string.format('%s/%s', music_dir, string.match(mpd_now.file, '.*/')) local cover = string.format( "find '%s' -maxdepth 1 -type f | egrep -i -m1 '%s'", path:gsub("'", "'\\''"), cover_pattern ) helpers.async({ shell, '-c', cover }, function(current_icon) common.icon = current_icon:gsub('\n', '') if #common.icon == 0 then common.icon = nil end mpd.id = naughty.notify(common).id end) else mpd.id = naughty.notify(common).id end end elseif mpd_now.state ~= 'pause' then helpers.set_map('current mpd track', nil) end end) end mpd.timer = helpers.newtimer('mpd', timeout, mpd.update, true, true) return mpd end return factory