--[[ Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 * (c) 2018, Luca CPZ * (c) 2013, Conor Heine --]] local helpers = require('lain.helpers') local focused = require('awful.screen').focused local naughty = require('naughty') local wibox = require('wibox') local string = string local type = type -- ThinkPad battery infos and widget creator -- http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Tp_smapi -- lain.widget.contrib.tp_smapi local function factory(apipath) local tp_smapi = { path = apipath or '/sys/devices/platform/smapi', } function tp_smapi.get(batid, feature) return helpers.first_line(string.format('%s/%s/%s', tp_smapi.path, batid or 'BAT0', feature or '')) end function tp_smapi.installed(batid) return tp_smapi.get(batid, 'installed') == '1' end function tp_smapi.status(batid) return tp_smapi.get(batid, 'state') end function tp_smapi.percentage(batid) return tp_smapi.get(batid, 'remaining_percent') end -- either running or charging time function tp_smapi.time(batid) local status = tp_smapi.status(batid) local mins_left = tp_smapi.get( batid, string.match(string.lower(status), 'discharging') and 'remaining_running_time' or 'remaining_charging_time' ) if not string.find(mins_left, '^%d+') then return 'N/A' end return string.format('%02d:%02d', math.floor(mins_left / 60), mins_left % 60) -- HH:mm end function tp_smapi.hide() if not tp_smapi.notification then return end naughty.destroy(tp_smapi.notification) tp_smapi.notification = nil end function tp_smapi.show(batid, seconds, scr) if not tp_smapi.installed(batid) then return end local mfgr = tp_smapi.get(batid, 'manufacturer') or 'no_mfgr' local model = tp_smapi.get(batid, 'model') or 'no_model' local chem = tp_smapi.get(batid, 'chemistry') or 'no_chem' local status = tp_smapi.get(batid, 'state') local time = tp_smapi.time(batid) local msg if status and status ~= 'idle' then msg = string.format( '[%s] %s %s', status, time ~= 'N/A' and time or 'unknown remaining time', string.lower(status):gsub(' ', ''):gsub('\n', '') == 'charging' and ' until charged' or ' remaining' ) else msg = 'On AC power' end tp_smapi.hide() tp_smapi.notification = naughty.notify({ title = string.format('%s: %s %s (%s)', batid, mfgr, model, chem), text = msg, timeout = type(seconds) == 'number' and seconds or 0, screen = scr or focused(), }) end function tp_smapi.create_widget(args) args = args or {} local pspath = args.pspath or '/sys/class/power_supply/' local batteries = args.batteries or (args.battery and { args.battery }) or {} local timeout = args.timeout or 30 local settings = args.settings or function() end if #batteries == 0 then helpers.line_callback('ls -1 ' .. pspath, function(line) local bstr = string.match(line, 'BAT%w+') if bstr then batteries[#batteries + 1] = bstr end end) end local all_batteries_installed = true for _, battery in ipairs(batteries) do if not tp_smapi.installed(battery) then naughty.notify({ preset = naughty.config.critical, title = 'tp_smapi: error while creating widget', text = string.format('battery %s is not installed', battery), }) all_batteries_installed = false break end end if not all_batteries_installed then return end tpbat = { batteries = batteries, widget = args.widget or wibox.widget.textbox(), } function tpbat.update() tpbat_now = { n_status = {}, n_perc = {}, n_time = {}, status = 'N/A', } for i = 1, #batteries do tpbat_now.n_status[i] = tp_smapi.status(batteries[i]) or 'N/A' tpbat_now.n_perc[i] = tp_smapi.percentage(batteries[i]) tpbat_now.n_time[i] = tp_smapi.time(batteries[i]) or 'N/A' if not tpbat_now.n_status[i]:lower():match('full') then tpbat_now.status = tpbat_now.n_status[i] end end widget = tpbat.widget -- backwards compatibility settings() end helpers.newtimer('thinkpad-batteries', timeout, tpbat.update) return tpbat end return tp_smapi end return factory