local gears = require('gears') local awful = require('awful') require('awful.autofocus') local naughty = require('naughty') local lain = require('lain') local hotkeys_popup = require('awful.hotkeys_popup') require('awful.hotkeys_popup.keys') local globals = require('rc_parts.globals') local mytable = awful.util.table or gears.table -- 4.{0,1} compatibility local modkey = globals.modkey local altkey = globals.altkey local globalkeys = mytable.join( -- Take a screenshot awful.key({ modkey, altkey }, 'p', function() awful.spawn('flameshot gui') end, { description = 'take a screenshot', group = 'hotkeys' }), -- X screen locker awful.key({ modkey, altkey, 'Control' }, 'l', function() os.execute(os.getenv('HOME') .. '/.config/awesome/scripts/lock.sh') end, { description = 'lock screen', group = 'hotkeys' }), -- Show help awful.key({ modkey }, 's', hotkeys_popup.show_help, { description = 'show help', group = 'awesome' }), -- Tag browsing awful.key({ modkey }, 'Left', awful.tag.viewprev, { description = 'view previous', group = 'tag' }), awful.key({ modkey }, 'Right', awful.tag.viewnext, { description = 'view next', group = 'tag' }), awful.key({ modkey }, 'Escape', awful.tag.history.restore, { description = 'go back', group = 'tag' }), -- Non-empty tag browsing awful.key({ altkey }, 'Left', function() lain.util.tag_view_nonempty(-1) end, { description = 'view previous nonempty', group = 'tag' }), awful.key({ altkey }, 'Right', function() lain.util.tag_view_nonempty(1) end, { description = 'view previous nonempty', group = 'tag' }), -- Default client focus awful.key({ altkey }, 'j', function() awful.client.focus.byidx(1) end, { description = 'focus next by index', group = 'client' }), awful.key({ altkey }, 'k', function() awful.client.focus.byidx(-1) end, { description = 'focus previous by index', group = 'client' }), -- By-direction client focus awful.key({ modkey }, 'j', function() awful.client.focus.global_bydirection('down') if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end end, { description = 'focus down', group = 'client' }), awful.key({ modkey }, 'k', function() awful.client.focus.global_bydirection('up') if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end end, { description = 'focus up', group = 'client' }), awful.key({ modkey }, 'h', function() awful.client.focus.global_bydirection('left') if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end end, { description = 'focus left', group = 'client' }), awful.key({ modkey }, 'l', function() awful.client.focus.global_bydirection('right') if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end end, { description = 'focus right', group = 'client' }), -- Menu awful.key({ modkey }, 'w', function() awful.util.mymainmenu:show() end, { description = 'show main menu', group = 'awesome' }), -- Layout manipulation awful.key({ modkey, 'Shift' }, 'j', function() awful.client.swap.byidx(1) end, { description = 'swap with next client by index', group = 'client' }), awful.key({ modkey, 'Shift' }, 'k', function() awful.client.swap.byidx(-1) end, { description = 'swap with previous client by index', group = 'client' }), awful.key({ modkey, 'Control' }, 'j', function() awful.screen.focus_relative(1) end, { description = 'focus the next screen', group = 'screen' }), awful.key({ modkey, 'Control' }, 'k', function() awful.screen.focus_relative(-1) end, { description = 'focus the previous screen', group = 'screen' }), awful.key({ modkey }, 'u', awful.client.urgent.jumpto, { description = 'jump to urgent client', group = 'client' }), awful.key({ modkey }, 'Tab', function() if globals.cycle_prev then awful.client.focus.history.previous() else awful.client.focus.byidx(-1) end if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end end, { description = 'cycle with previous/go back', group = 'client' }), -- Show/hide wibox awful.key({ modkey }, 'b', function() for s in screen do s.mywibox.visible = not s.mywibox.visible if s.mybottomwibox then s.mybottomwibox.visible = not s.mybottomwibox.visible end end end, { description = 'toggle wibox', group = 'awesome' }), -- On-the-fly useless gaps change awful.key({ altkey, 'Control' }, '+', function() lain.util.useless_gaps_resize(1) end, { description = 'increment useless gaps', group = 'tag' }), awful.key({ altkey, 'Control' }, '-', function() lain.util.useless_gaps_resize(-1) end, { description = 'decrement useless gaps', group = 'tag' }), -- Dynamic tagging awful.key({ modkey, 'Shift' }, 'n', function() lain.util.add_tag() end, { description = 'add new tag', group = 'tag' }), awful.key({ modkey, 'Shift' }, 'r', function() lain.util.rename_tag() end, { description = 'rename tag', group = 'tag' }), awful.key({ modkey, 'Shift' }, 'Left', function() lain.util.move_tag(-1) end, { description = 'move tag to the left', group = 'tag' }), awful.key({ modkey, 'Shift' }, 'Right', function() lain.util.move_tag(1) end, { description = 'move tag to the right', group = 'tag' }), awful.key({ modkey, 'Shift' }, 'd', function() lain.util.delete_tag() end, { description = 'delete tag', group = 'tag' }), -- Standard program awful.key({ modkey }, 'Return', function() awful.spawn(globals.terminal) end, { description = 'open a terminal', group = 'launcher' }), awful.key({ modkey, 'Control' }, 'r', awesome.restart, { description = 'reload awesome', group = 'awesome' }), awful.key({ modkey, 'Shift' }, 'q', awesome.quit, { description = 'quit awesome', group = 'awesome' }), awful.key({ modkey, altkey }, 'l', function() awful.tag.incmwfact(0.05) end, { description = 'increase master width factor', group = 'layout' }), awful.key({ modkey, altkey }, 'h', function() awful.tag.incmwfact(-0.05) end, { description = 'decrease master width factor', group = 'layout' }), awful.key({ modkey, 'Shift' }, 'h', function() awful.tag.incnmaster(1, nil, true) end, { description = 'increase the number of master clients', group = 'layout' }), awful.key({ modkey, 'Shift' }, 'l', function() awful.tag.incnmaster(-1, nil, true) end, { description = 'decrease the number of master clients', group = 'layout' }), awful.key({ modkey, 'Control' }, 'h', function() awful.tag.incncol(1, nil, true) end, { description = 'increase the number of columns', group = 'layout' }), awful.key({ modkey, 'Control' }, 'l', function() awful.tag.incncol(-1, nil, true) end, { description = 'decrease the number of columns', group = 'layout' }), awful.key({ modkey }, 'space', function() awful.layout.inc(1) end, { description = 'select next', group = 'layout' }), awful.key({ modkey, 'Shift' }, 'space', function() awful.layout.inc(-1) end, { description = 'select previous', group = 'layout' }), awful.key({ modkey, 'Control' }, 'n', function() local c = awful.client.restore() -- Focus restored client if c then c:emit_signal('request::activate', 'key.unminimize', { raise = true }) end end, { description = 'restore minimized', group = 'client' }), -- Dropdown application awful.key({ modkey }, 'q', function() awful.screen.focused().quake:toggle() end, { description = 'dropdown application', group = 'launcher' }), -- Widgets popups --[[ awful.key({ altkey, }, "c", function () if beautiful.cal then beautiful.cal.show(7) end end, {description = "show calendar", group = "widgets"}), awful.key({ altkey, }, "h", function () if beautiful.fs then beautiful.fs.show(7) end end, {description = "show filesystem", group = "widgets"}), awful.key({ altkey, }, "w", function () if beautiful.weather then beautiful.weather.show(7) end end, {description = "show weather", group = "widgets"}), ]] -- -- Screen brightness --awful.key({ }, "XF86MonBrightnessUp", function () os.execute("xbacklight -inc 10") end, -- {description = "+10%", group = "hotkeys"}), --awful.key({ }, "XF86MonBrightnessDown", function () os.execute("xbacklight -dec 10") end, -- {description = "-10%", group = "hotkeys"}), -- ALSA volume control --[[ awful.key({ altkey }, "Up", function () os.execute(string.format("amixer -q set %s 1%%+", beautiful.volume.channel)) beautiful.volume.update() end, {description = "volume up", group = "hotkeys"}), awful.key({ altkey }, "Down", function () os.execute(string.format("amixer -q set %s 1%%-", beautiful.volume.channel)) beautiful.volume.update() end, {description = "volume down", group = "hotkeys"}), awful.key({ altkey }, "m", function () os.execute(string.format( "amixer -q set %s toggle", beautiful.volume.togglechannel or beautiful.volume.channel )) beautiful.volume.update() end, {description = "toggle mute", group = "hotkeys"}), awful.key({ altkey, "Control" }, "m", function () os.execute(string.format("amixer -q set %s 100%%", beautiful.volume.channel)) beautiful.volume.update() end, {description = "volume 100%", group = "hotkeys"}), awful.key({ altkey, "Control" }, "0", function () os.execute(string.format("amixer -q set %s 0%%", beautiful.volume.channel)) beautiful.volume.update() end, {description = "volume 0%", group = "hotkeys"}), ]] -- -- MPD control --[[ awful.key({ altkey, "Control" }, "Up", function () os.execute("mpc toggle") beautiful.mpd.update() end, {description = "mpc toggle", group = "widgets"}), awful.key({ altkey, "Control" }, "Down", function () os.execute("mpc stop") beautiful.mpd.update() end, {description = "mpc stop", group = "widgets"}), awful.key({ altkey, "Control" }, "Left", function () os.execute("mpc prev") beautiful.mpd.update() end, {description = "mpc prev", group = "widgets"}), awful.key({ altkey, "Control" }, "Right", function () os.execute("mpc next") beautiful.mpd.update() end, {description = "mpc next", group = "widgets"}), awful.key({ altkey }, "0", function () local common = { text = "MPD widget ", position = "top_middle", timeout = 2 } if beautiful.mpd.timer.started then beautiful.mpd.timer:stop() common.text = common.text .. lain.util.markup.bold("OFF") else beautiful.mpd.timer:start() common.text = common.text .. lain.util.markup.bold("ON") end naughty.notify(common) end, {description = "mpc on/off", group = "widgets"}), ]] -- -- Copy primary to clipboard (terminals to gtk) --awful.key({ modkey }, "c", function () awful.spawn.with_shell("xsel | xsel -i -b") end, -- {description = "copy terminal to gtk", group = "hotkeys"}), -- Copy clipboard to primary (gtk to terminals) --awful.key({ modkey }, "v", function () awful.spawn.with_shell("xsel -b | xsel") end, -- {description = "copy gtk to terminal", group = "hotkeys"}), -- User programs --awful.key({ modkey }, "q", function () awful.spawn(browser) end, -- {description = "run browser", group = "launcher"}), -- Default --[[ Menubar awful.key({ modkey }, "p", function() menubar.show() end, {description = "show the menubar", group = "launcher"}), --]] --[[ dmenu awful.key({ modkey }, "x", function () os.execute(string.format("dmenu_run -i -fn 'Monospace' -nb '%s' -nf '%s' -sb '%s' -sf '%s'", beautiful.bg_normal, beautiful.fg_normal, beautiful.bg_focus, beautiful.fg_focus)) end, {description = "show dmenu", group = "launcher"}), --]] -- alternatively use rofi, a dmenu-like application with more features -- check https://github.com/DaveDavenport/rofi for more details -- rofi awful.key({ modkey }, 'y', function() awful.spawn('rofi -show drun -theme "' .. os.getenv('HOME') .. '/.config/awesome/rofi/launcher.rasi"') end, { description = 'show rofi', group = 'launcher' }), awful.key({ modkey, 'Shift' }, 'y', function() awful.spawn(os.getenv('HOME') .. '/.config/awesome/rofi/launcher_launcher.sh') end, { description = 'show rofi', group = 'launcher' }), -- Prompt awful.key({ modkey }, 'r', function() awful.screen.focused().mypromptbox:run() end, { description = 'run prompt', group = 'launcher' }), awful.key({ modkey }, 'x', function() awful.prompt.run({ prompt = 'Run Lua code: ', textbox = awful.screen.focused().mypromptbox.widget, exe_callback = awful.util.eval, history_path = awful.util.get_cache_dir() .. '/history_eval', }) end, { description = 'lua execute prompt', group = 'awesome' }) --]] ) -- Bind all key numbers to tags. -- Be careful: we use keycodes to make it work on any keyboard layout. -- This should map on the top row of your keyboard, usually 1 to 9. for i = 1, 9 do globalkeys = mytable.join( globalkeys, -- View tag only. awful.key({ modkey }, '#' .. i + 9, function() local screen = awful.screen.focused() local tag = screen.tags[i] if tag then tag:view_only() end end, { description = 'view tag #' .. i, group = 'tag' }), -- Toggle tag display. awful.key({ modkey, 'Control' }, '#' .. i + 9, function() local screen = awful.screen.focused() local tag = screen.tags[i] if tag then awful.tag.viewtoggle(tag) end end, { description = 'toggle tag #' .. i, group = 'tag' }), -- Move client to tag. awful.key({ modkey, 'Shift' }, '#' .. i + 9, function() if client.focus then local tag = client.focus.screen.tags[i] if tag then client.focus:move_to_tag(tag) end end end, { description = 'move focused client to tag #' .. i, group = 'tag' }), -- Toggle tag on focused client. awful.key({ modkey, 'Control', 'Shift' }, '#' .. i + 9, function() if client.focus then local tag = client.focus.screen.tags[i] if tag then client.focus:toggle_tag(tag) end end end, { description = 'toggle focused client on tag #' .. i, group = 'tag' }) ) end return globalkeys